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Our Strategy

  • To be consistently in the top tier nationally for student progress across all school Trusts, striving to be the top performing Trust by 2026.
  • To provide an innovative curriculum underpinned by clear intent across all our settings which impacts positively on our children and young people.
  • To become a strong and diverse trust which improves the life chances of more children and young people, which can further enhance system leadership.
  • To develop the Trust as an employer of choice providing a high-quality IT infrastructure, coaching, and training programmes for professional development, opportunities for career progression, a clear framework for support staff development and a scalable staff structure.
  • To ensure the Trust’s financial strength is maintained through highly effective financial management which supports the implementation of our strategic plan and the efficient deployment of revenue together with prudent use of Trust reserves.
  • To become environmentally sustainable by reducing the environmental impact of the operation of the Trust, increasing awareness of our collective responsibility and duty towards sustainability and educating our children and young people about the current and future global challenges including climate change.
  • To develop the Trust as a partner of choice for other institutions through modelling clear systems improvement including an outstanding curriculum, a clear behaviour policy, teaching freedom and strong assurance frameworks.

Student Progress

To be consistently in the top tier nationally for student progress across all school Trusts, striving to be the top performing Trust, by 2026.


  • Providing high quality teaching and learning for all students across all phases in which the Trust operates.
  • Assessment expertise and subject specialist knowledge shared amongst staff.
  • Develop the SEND provision across the Trust to be outstanding.


  • To be in the top 10% of performance tables for progress and attainment.
  • Attendance rate to be 3% above national, in each mainstream Academy.
  • No student will leave a Trust Academy and be categorised as not in employment, education, or training.
  • Primary, Alternative Provision and UTC Academies to be benchmarked against other providers. Benchmarks to include attendance.

Innovative Curriculum

To provide an innovative curriculum underpinned by clear intent across all our settings to impact positively on our children and young people.


  • Planned curriculum research and development including sequencing and assessment.
  • Develop the SEND provision across the Trust to be outstanding.
  • Develop the Resilience curriculum in all 4-14 settings.
  • Develop the Aspire curriculum in all 4-14 settings.
  • Develop a Primary curriculum and ensure it interleaves with Secondary curriculums.


  • To be in the top 10% of performance tables for progress and attainment.
  • Attendance rate to be 3% above national, in each mainstream Academy.
  • No student will leave a Trust Academy and be categorised as not in employment, education, or training.
  • Primary, Alternative Provision and UTC Academies to be benchmarked against other providers. Benchmarks to include attendance and to be in the top 10% of performance tables.

Strong and Diverse Trust

To become a strong and diverse trust which improves the life chances of more children and young people, which can further enhance system leadership.


  • Grow the Trust to more than 7 schools and more than 7,500 students by implementing a growth strategy which takes account of the new commissioning guidance.
  • Develop a central services school improvement team.
  • Develop an Organisation Development Plan
  • Embed the new Academy Trust Governance Code into the operation of the Trust.
  • Embed Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) into RMAT.


  • Trust grows to 7+ schools with an aim of growing by at least 1 institution per year leading to the Trust having more than 7,500 students.
  • Central Services School Improvement Team fully staffed and operational.
  • Organisation Development Plan implemented.
  • The Trust operates in accordance with the Academy Trust Governance Code.
  • EDI reflected in staff, students, governance and curriculum.

Employer of choice

To develop the Trust as an employer of choice providing a high-quality IT infrastructure, coaching, and training programmes for professional development, opportunities for career progression, training to achieve those opportunities, a clear framework for support staff development and a scalable staff structure.


  • Succession planning programmes at all levels.
  • Professional Development Programme for Teaching and Non-Teaching staff including new starters.
  • IT implementation plan.
  • Trust Growth Strategy which takes account of the new commissioning guidance.
  • Organisation Development Plan contributes to scalable Central Services Team.
  • Focus on improvement of staff wellbeing.
  • Implementation of Equality objectives.
  • Professional offer.


  • Staff gain promotion to more senior roles either inside or outside the organisation.
  • Professional Development Programme provides relevancy, flexibility, personalisation, interaction, collaboration, certification, a supportive environment, career advancement, measurable outcomes, and long-term support.
  • Satisfaction with IT expressed by all users.
  • Trust growth provides professional advancement in existing and new academies.
  • Central Services grow in a sequenced manner and not in an ad-hoc way.
  • Staff are retained in the organisation.

Financial Strength

To ensure the Trust’s financial strength is maintained through highly effective financial management which supports the implementation of our strategic plan and the efficient deployment of revenue together with prudent use of Trust reserves.


  • Develop a General Annual Grant (GAG) pooling policy.
  • Budget alignment with Trust’s Strategic Plan and Academy Improvement Plans.
  • Management information improved so all Academies reach an agreed financial position with the Trust Board. (This will include existing academies and new academies in the Trust)
  • Reserves Policy.


  • GAG pooling policy provides funding based on need, economies of scale and enables a greater strategic approach to Trust finances.
  • Budgets support the implementation of the Strategic Plan.
  • Three-year forecasts produced, performance monitored and reported to FRC on a regular basis.
  • Reserves Policy retains the Trust’s ability to deal with contingencies and support strategic investment.

Environmentally sustainable

To become environmentally sustainable by reducing the environmental impact of the operation of the Trust, increasing awareness of our collective responsibility and duty towards sustainability and educating our children and young people about the current and future global challenges including climate change.


  • Embed climate and ecology learning in the curriculum.
  • Capital investment supports decarbonisation and sustainability.
  • All Academies and Central Services to implement a Climate Action Plan.


  • Trust is seen to be delivering on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
  • Reputation of Trust includes reference to sustainability.

Partner of Choice

To develop the Trust as a partner of choice for other institutions through modelling clear system improvement including an outstanding curriculum, a clear behaviour policy, teaching freedom and strong assurance frameworks.


  • RMAT brand review.
  • Design and provide the RMAT prospectus.
  • Develop the Trust website in line with the RMAT brand and prospectus.
  • Develop the Trust’s Assurance Framework.
  • Capacity created for appropriate staff to contribute to the Trust’s Growth Strategy.
  • Central Services Team review.
  • Development of relationships with businesses.


  • RMAT brand recognition improves.
  • RMAT prospectus contributes to growth.
  • Updated websites contribute to growth.
  • Assurance framework provides evidence of implementation of strategic plan.
  • Increased staff capacity leads to growth.
  • Central Services Team supports growth.
  • Students join local quality employers.